Monday, March 19, 2007

Update: 19th March

It has now been about a month since I finished treatment. This Wednesday I have my first post-treatment scan. It will be a CT scan to determine the size of the remaining growth (if any). In another month I will have a second scan (a PET scan) which will give the other half of the picture: whether what is left is still active. Thus, while there may be something left, this could just be scar tissue and it will be another month before it is possible to tell. However, Wednesday's scan will also (hopefully) rule out the worst case scenario of there being secondary growths indicating that the cancer has spread. More on Wednesday (or possibly Thursday), when I will send out another group email (and post it here too).


Phylina said...

Hey Byron, glad to hear that things are going better. Hopefully the results indicate there is nothing harmful left. Will continue to pray for you. I'm sure God's in control of this all :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Byron, I'm thinking of you and hoping like mad that everything is all clear, all my love, Tom Whitford

byron smith said...

Thanks Tom and Phylina - great to hear from both of you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations for the other night. Our prayers will be with you in the coming days that the Lord will bring you out of the deeper parts of the valley of the shadow.

Julia said...

Hi Byron, just discovered your second blog...good to hear things are praying that they will continue to get better...